Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fun Dat at the Zoo!

We love the Abilene Zoo!! And the weather here has been great! So...a group of mommies from Life Group all got together to enjoy the morning.

Branson and I got there early and took our fabulous breakfast for a quick bite. Milk and a donut with sprinkles! A little boys dream! (Those are Spiderman tatoos on his arms by the way...he is super cool...HA!

Loved this pic of when Branson saw "Kandy Kane" come in... They are the bests of buds and the worst of enemies depending on the moment, but boy do they love each other. We are going to be so sad when they move...sniff sniff. (they found out the morning of the zoo that they are being transfered to Fargo, North Dakota for Jeremy's job...good for them because its a promotion, but sad for us!)

When I said "mommies", I mean't "mommIES." There were 7 Moms and 9 kids in our pack at the zoo that day. So so fun!

I laugh at this picture of Branson and Cole. They are new buds because Cole just moved back to Abilene and Branson watches and idolizes everything Cole does. However, in this picture it looks like they are about to have a showdown. HA! :)

The fire hydrant...the most interesting thing at the zoo according to Branson. :)

Gotta love feeding the giraffe....

Branson loves Ms. Corie...she always shares her snacks. :)

This picture just cracks me up! That second monkey is actually smiling for the camera. HAHAHA!

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