Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 28, 2009

Bad Day

So...if you ever wonder what happens when you pay too much attention to getting a bug out of your car and not enough attention to the road...

...and you are in the middle of nowhere and are 18 weeks pregnant...

But...God is good and I am only left with a bruised and/or cracked rib that continues to give me trouble. This isnt the best picture, but considering I was in a rollover just a couple of hours before...not too shabby! :)

I praise God that Baby #2 is fine, I am fine, and Branson was not in the car with me. So many things could have been worse and He gets all the glory for keeping me safe despite my own driving retardedness!
PS If you ever really wondered what rolling a vehicle feels like...take it from me, its not fun, so dont try it!!


Jennifer said...

Wow! Glad everything's all right! Branson gets more adorable daily!

Anonymous said...

So glad you and your baby are ok, and that Branson wasn't with you. From the pictures of your car, I can't believe you're smiling a few hours later. Praise God!!