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Monday, September 28, 2009

By popular demand...

We are a little less than a month from moving in!! So exciting! The brick and stone is finished on the outside, the cabinets are in, the doors and trim are finished, and the painters are there this week. I can't wait to see it all come together!

The beautiful wood bracing stuff will come off when it is completely dry, so use your imagination. :) This is our entryway. I just love it. It will look a little different when cleaned up pretty, but you get the idea.

Here is our kitchen cabinets without stain. They will be stained "warm chestnut" which is just a fairly dark brown color. Craig came to town to measure for the countertops today and we spent all morning picking out granite for the kitchen and baths. It was so much fun! We are going to have 8 different colors of granite in the out! Don't worry, it wont look too is all gorgeous!

My favorite helpers out with me to take pictures. This is the office window, to the left of the front door.

All the major decisions are behind us and all we have left to do is be patient. sing Branson's song from school, "Be patient, be patient, there's no need to worry. Be patient, be patient, we're not in a hurry." :)


craigandjodee said...

Looks sooooo good!!! I can't wait to move it, I mean see it in person! Ha!

Rachel H said...

The house is gorgeous! I know you will be so happy there.

Lisa Mae said...

lookin' good!

Erin said...

holy giant kitchen, batman!!! :-)

Susan Gore said...

It is VERY pretty and I love the brick/stone work. Where is it exactly...what subdivision. Is it off 83/84? Just wondering how close it is to our house...and I am JEALOUS about the granite!!!