Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sea World...again!

We ventured to Sea World again!! We got season passes last time and wanted to go when it was cooler and hopefully less crowded. It was super fun and we had a great time. Neynaw (or neyney as Branson calls her now!) went with us and I think she enjoyed it. :)

Of course Bransons favorite was Shamu! How could anyone not love Shamu!

Every time the person would dive off the end of Shamu's nose, Branson would raise one leg and bend over head first like he was going to dive off the seat. It was soooo funny!

We wore this poor little boy out! Only time for a short nap though before we were up and out to eat dinner and come home for bed. :)

Ok, maybe Shamu tied for ELMO! as Branson's favorite thing. We had to go see Elmo twice and were there early enough for front row seats the second time! He was a HUGE hit!

Bye for now, Shamu! We will be back! :)

1 comment:

NeyNaw said...

shoud have commented on seaworld earlier but i am very seldom around a comoputer. i love seaworld as much as mr b and am ready to go back!! love the cooler time of the year however. Christmas decor there...were we thinking about it?