Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Drumroll please...

It's a BABY GIRL!! :) We have known forever and I just havent been good at taking belly pictures or anything, so now that most of you know...Branson is so excited about his baby SISTER!

Having fun with PINK stuff!!

Now for the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad belly picture. Like I said, I am bad about taking them, so I went in and took one of myself just now. HA! I will be 29 weeks tomorrow and feel huge, but dont really have any complaints this time around.
We have been so busy with Branson, new job for Scott, new house, etc. that this pregnancy has FLOWN by! Such a nice change from being preggo with Branson and counting down the minutes! We have a little bit of the nursery done and no name picked out yet, but we are narrowing it down (I think!). I'm not due until Feb. 2, so we will have some time to decide. I have a feeling with the holidays upon us, the rest of the pregnancy is going to go by as fast as the beginning. I can't believe that we are having a daughter and Im so excited to meet her! Hopefully Ill get some better belly pics up someday...


NeyNaw said...

yes yes yes!!! a baby sister! can't wait.. boy will you have your hands full with 2 :)

ML said...

I agree with NeyNaw. I can't wait to hold that sweet baby girl and buy many, many pink things!! :)