Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Girls Night-We love Corie!!

The girls in our Life Group surprised Corie with a Girls Night Scavenger Hunt as a "going away party" of sorts. She loved the last time they did this, so Lisa sweetly put it all together for us to have a great night with each other. It was a blast!

It was also very windy, but this is the only picture we took of the whole gang! Man, I love these girls!

We love you, Corie!! Yall will do great in North Dakota and you better keep in touch! :)

My team for the night! Lets go girls! We got second, but that was only because of a rude cop that wouldnt participate and one small oversite on our part about having us all in a certain picture. Bummer!! Next time, ladies! :)
Thanks again, Lisa, for organizing such a fun night out for all of us! You are the best and we are glad you are back! :)

1 comment:

Lisa Mae said...

so, so fun! i can't tell you just how much it warms my heart to look at these pics to know i'm back with my girls! so humbled! here is to many more crazy girl nights...