Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's been 10 years!!

I am pretty disappointed in myself for the amount of pictures that I took at my high school reunion! You would think I would get my camera out, but apparently I was having too much fun! :)

Me and Melissa all dolled up and ready to go.

It was my ten year high school reunion and I end up sitting with and visiting most with my cousin Kaely and her husband, Will (who I went to HS with). So funny! She is also pregnant and due two weeks after me. I love that we decided to take our preggo picture in front of the wall of wine. Cracks me up! I am hoping to take a better belly shot pretty soon, since I am nearly 22 weeks and have yet to post one. Oops!

A bunch of us got together at a friends house after the formal dinner to hang out and visit. It was sooooo good to see everyone and catch up. Facebook has helped most of us to stay in touch (or get back in touch) but it was great to see everyone in person.

Had a great like its 1999! :)

1 comment:

craigandjodee said...

Speaking of belly pics...don't you have something to post about sweet baby #2?!