Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Our Facebook Life

I have been spending more time on facebook lately than blogging, so I thought I would share what we have been up too. Thanks, Chrys, for the idea!

Facebook Status Updates:

Where has my baby gone?! Branson stayed in his "big boy bed" all night last night and is wearing his new underwear today! AUGH! Im not ready for this!! (But, Im so proud of him!!)

My son just reported to me, "Im so handsome!" after I put on his shirt. Apparently he has heard that from me too many times! :)

found out yesterday that instead of getting a full classroom at one of my schools (like I was told was a strong possibility) i will either be sharing with the Sped teacher or be back in the bookroom. SLPs are always the first to get the shaft in the schools. I understand, but Im still bummed...

got home from family reunion to a dirty house and company coming tonight. Eek! thankfully, branson has been sleeping since one and I have gotten lots done. Just fighting the urge to lay down and take a nap. So hard...

I am tired of packing to go on trips. I love the trips...Im just tired of the packing!

Does anyone have any great and wonderful, yet easy but impressive snack or dessert ideas that I could make and take to the familly reunion this weekend?

I am finished with the dishes with only one sippy cup was death by "heck no, I am not opening that!!" I think Im going to take a nap to reward myself for doing the dishes first. :)

has a sink full of week old dishes that are starting to smell and I REALLY dont want to wash them! This 'no dishwasher' thing stinks! (literally!) And....everyone now thinks I am a slob and wont want to come over again. This is how I will find out who my true friends are... :)

Branson went tee-tee in the potty to show off for my mom tonight! I guess it is time we really start potty training. Hmmm...I just dont think Im ready yet. :)

overdid it this morning with a playdate and lunch date the a friend. Branson was cranky at lunch and Momma had very little patience. My tummy hurts, Im tired, and I still havent cleaned my house! All will look better after a little nap. :)

had a great time at church this morning! We have been out of town for so long and I have missed it!

Branson got home and re-enacted his fall of the jetski ("but its ok."), told me proudly "I poop in Neynaws baftub!", named the baby "jungle book", and sang the baby to sleep "baby I love you, the bible tells me so..." Man, I have missed him!!

wishing my boys would get home. They have been gone since last night, which should be great to have time to myself, but...I miss them. :(

just got home from vacation, went by our new house site and they were pouring foundation! So cool to watch! When we told Branson it was time to go he said, "No, I still looking at da house." :)

just got back from a super fun girls weekend in Dallas! Headed to Possum Kingdom for a weekend at the lake. Busy busy and fun fun fun! (then...back to work, but shhhh...we aren't talking about that!!)

1 comment:

chrys said...

:) i always feel like i'm cheating when i do those but i don't want to forget all the little day-to-day things that i used to blog about but now go on fb. :)
