Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Brave Boy (or OUCHIE!)

We got home last night and in about 2 seconds Branson was screaming like I had never heard before. He was trying to get a toy out of the corner (in the basket under the table), slipped, and hit his mouth on the table. (At least, thats my guess, since I didnt see it.) I ran over to him and he had blood everywhere. I am not good with blood and tend to freak out in emergencies. I was pretty proud of how calm I stayed, knowing that if I freaked out, it would make it much worse for Branson. So...I called Scott, who was unloading the car, and we went to work on Branson's mouth. I was so worried about his teeth, but apparently the table scrapped the gums but missed the teeth. Who knows? But, his teeth seem fine. After about 5 minutes he was done crying and telling us, "no, it's all better." when we asked to put another paper towel on his lip. (It was still bleeding!) I was so proud of him for being so brave! Check out the battle wounds...with the last picture thrown in to end on a good note. :)

1 comment:

Leah said...

oh my gosh! So excited for you! I will be praying for your health and the babies health! Here's to TWO BOYS!